NYT Chrome app is probably the buggiest thing I've ever seen
I should probably have read the Hacker News thread first, but Christ, what an atrocious piece of buggy shit this is. How on earth it managed to get positioned as one of the top launch apps on the Chrome App Store, one can only guess at.
Running in Chrome 8 initially, I noticed that the pagination algorithm seems completely borked. Very minor resizing of the browser window causes the indicated number of pages for the story to randomly fluctuate - I think I managed to get the same article to claim to be between 1 and 13 pages in length, at least if the footer on the right is to be believed.

OK then, let's start advancing through this ten page story. The second page is fine - if rather text-heavy and image light - but the third page is slightly empty though...

... I'm sure there must be more to come though ...

... oh.
Safari is unsurprisingly similar. What is a surprise though, is that this is as good as it gets.
Opera 10.63 just keeps kicking you back to the front page every time you click on a story link, whereas on Firefox you have a choice of illegibility or invisibility...

One can only imagine what further travesties might await were I to dare view it in IE...