John Smith's Blog

Ramblings (mostly) about technical stuff

Windows ClearType makes Droid Sans look worse

Posted by John Smith on
Zoomed examples of rendering of Droid Sans upper-case C in various browsers/operating systems, using the default type rendering

TypeKit have recently posted a piece about font rendering in various browsers/operating systems that has inspired me to investigate something I'd noticed recently.

This blog uses Droid Sans for the headings. On Linux and OS X, this looks fine, as does Windows XP. On my Windows 7 machine however, it looks pretty horrible - the tops and bottoms of Cs are particularly bad, really jagged.

To work out why, I did rendered some test HTML using a couple of different fonts on several browsers. Here's an example, showing (from left to right)

  1. Firefox 4 beta on Linux (Fedora 11)
  2. Safari on OSX
  3. IE9 on Windows 7
  4. Firefox 3.6.11 on Windows 7
  5. Firefox 3.6.11 on a MacBook running Windows XP via Boot Camp

Examples of Helvetica/Arial/sans-serif and Droid Sans in various browsers

The four lines of text are. in turn:

  1. Helvetica/Arial/sans-serif lower case
  2. Helvetica/Arial/sans-serif upper case
  3. Droid Sans lower case
  4. Droid Sans upper case

(There's no difference between IE9 beta and Firefox 3.6.11 on Windows 7 in the image above, that I can see, but apparently they should be using different rendering technologies.)

The root cause turns out to be the different font rendering technologies used in various versions of Windows:

  • XP defaults to "Standard", which is regular anti-aliasing, with options for ClearType (sub-pixel rendering) or no aliasing at all (the latter being really horrible to look at.)
  • Win7 gives a choice of ClearType being on or off. Turning it off seems to be the same as "Standard" in XP, although I'm not 100% certain on that
It's not an issue with sub-pixel rendering per se, as Mac OSX uses it - but it looks like OSX is much more subtle about how it does it.

Arial looks better in Win7 with ClearType on, as does the Windows "system" font, so I wonder whether there's an issue with hinting, and/or font designers tweaking fonts to best cater for the underlying font technology?

On other thing that might be worth mentioning, if you're playing with the font rendering in Windows, various browsers react differently when you change the settings:

Firefox, OperaChange takes effect instantly
Chrome/IronChange takes effect when page is refreshed
SafariChange takes effect when browser is restarted
IE9No change - you are stuck with ClearType/DirectWrite, whether you like it or not

Ubuntu's homepage doesn't mention Linux anywhere

Posted by John Smith on

I primarily use Red Hat/Fedora distributions of Linux; more than anything this is for historical/comfort reasons. Whilst omissions like AVI and MP3 playback are annoying - but perfectly understandable to my mind - at least I "know where the bodies are buried", and can get a new system quickly set up the way I want.

However, to avoid missing out, I usually have one of my spare machines running one of the other current major distros. In years gone by, that would have been Mandrake/Mandriva or SuSE, but these days, of course, it's Ubuntu that has the hype and the mindshare.

Looking to install Ubuntu's new 10.10 release onto a netbook, I searched for some online docs about burning the .iso onto a USB drive, as Fedora's livecd-iso-to-disk didn't seem to want to play with an Ubuntu .iso. However, it turned out that Ubuntu's docs don't acknowledge the existence of anything other than Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu. I guess I now know how the BSD people feel...

Screen grab from Ubuntu website only showing Windows, Mac and Ubuntu as operating systems to choose from

Anyway, this got me thinking: is Ubuntu trying to cover up the fact that it's based on Linux? I grabbed the list of the current top 10 Linux distributions from DistroWatch, added on a couple of the more corporate/enterprisey ones (Red Hat, CentOS and Novell/SuSE), and ran a very simple script to pull down their homepages and count how many times they mention "Linux". Here are results: : 0 : 1 : 131 : 4 : 6 : 148 : 21 : 27 : 54 : 2 : 4 : 6 : 96

The numbers are distorted of course, especially for those that include "Linux" in their brand-name. Fedora and OpenSuSE don't score well, but at least they do both mention it prominently near the top of the page.

However, I finding it galling that in 30-odd kilobytes of HTML, Ubuntu can't find anywhere to mention the (literal) kernel that underlies their product. It's not mentioned on their "How can it be free?" page either - there's just a mention of open source in general (which also implies it's down to the efforts of corporations, and not individuals). It should also be noted that the two mentions of Linux on Lubuntu's home page are just feed links from external sites/blogs.

Maybe we should follow RMS's example and insist on referring to it as GNU/Linux/Ubuntu?

test delayed post

Posted by John Smith on
Testing that this gets published by the cron job

Test entry to check things work on

Posted by John Smith on

Testing, testing, 1-2-3...

When webapps are better than native ones

Posted by John Smith on

Some people dislike native applications for mobile devices, preferring web applications due to their more open nature, (generally) better accessibility, etc. Personally, I'm quite happy to use them, as even the latest-and-greatest HTML5/CSS3/JS functionality doesn't always match up with what can be done in Cocoa Touch et al.

However, if a native app is deficient to its webapp equivalent, then that's just crazy...

Photo of two iPod Touches, one viewing the Argos web site in Mobile Safari, the other running the Argos iPhone application.  The latter fails to show 4G devices on a search for 'ipod touch'

The above photo was taken on October 12th 2010, a week or so after Argos - a large UK retailer - started selling the new range of iPod Touches (the ones with the retina display).

... or at least, that's what the Argos website - shown on the left iPod - tells us. The Argos app on the other hand, is still living in the past, failing to show the 4G/retina versions, and instead claiming that the year-old 3G versions are in fact "NEW". It wouldn't surprise me if that highly misleading "NEW" description could lead to some interesting cases involving Trading Standards, should anyone feel so inclined...

Photo of two iPod Touches, one viewing the Argos web site in Mobile Safari, the other running the Argos iPhone application.  Both display consistent and correct information for the iPod Touch 3G

Following the links for the older 3G product, both show consistent information. The webapp no longer shows the misleading "NEW" product description.

Photo of two iPod Touches, one viewing the Argos web site in Mobile Safari, the other running the Argos iPhone application.  The latter claims that the iPod Touch 4G product code is not known

On the other hand, searching for the 4G device, the webapp claims that its product code is unknown. I'll give you one guess as to where the 4G device shown on the left was purchased - good thing I didn't rely on their webapp to tell me whether it was in stock or not!

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About this blog

This blog (mostly) covers technology and software development.

Note: I've recently ported the content from my old blog hosted on Google App Engine using some custom code I wrote, to a static site built using Pelican. I've put in place various URL manipulation rules in the webserver config to try to support the old URLs, but it's likely that I've missed some (probably meta ones related to pagination or tagging), so apologies for any 404 errors that you get served.

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About the author

I'm a software developer who's worked with a variety of platforms and technologies over the past couple of decades, but for the past 7 or so years I've focussed on web development. Whilst I've always nominally been a "full-stack" developer, I feel more attachment to the back-end side of things.

I'm a web developer for a London-based equities exchange. I've worked at organizations such as News Corporation and Google and BATS Global Markets. Projects I've been involved in have been covered in outlets such as The Guardian, The Telegraph, the Financial Times, The Register and TechCrunch.

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